EXPLORE BRAZIL’S ATLANTIC ISLANDS of Fernando de Noronha and Atol das Rocas with this slideshow, check the location map and get all the facts and information below.
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Location and Values: The Brazilian Atlantic Islands of Fernando de Noronha and Atol das Rocas are amongst the very few islands of the South Atlantic. The rich waters surrounding the islands support an exceptional concentration of resident dolphins and provide extremely important habitat for tuna, shark, turtle and other marine mammals. The islands support the largest concentration of seabirds in the western Atlantic Ocean and a significant number of endemic species on land.
Conservation Status and Prospects. According to IUCN’s recent Conservation Outlook Assessment the conservation status of the Brazilian Atlantic Islands is ‘good with some concerns’. The IUCN report notes that ‘while the general level of threat to the property is currently relatively low, investment in human and financial resources is insufficient to stop the very slow deterioration of the property’s values from inappropriate tourism development and associated urban growth and displacement of terrestrial species on Fernando de Noronha, and illegal fishing and oil spills in the marine environment. While there is little evidence of impact from climate change until now, increases in sea temperatures, oceanic acidification, and sea-level rise could cause significant impacts in the future.’
Google Earth
Official UNESCO Site Details
IUCN Conservation Outlook
UNEP-WCMC Site Description
Birdlife IBA
Slideshow description
The photos in this slideshow are intended to ‘tell the story’ Brazil’s Atlantic Islands of Fernando de Noronha and Atol das Rocas, showing the area’s landscapes, plants and animals, people, threats and conservation needs. It includes recent photographs from various parts of Fernando de Noronha, including many of its exceptionally beautiful beaches and bays, such as the Praia do Leao, Baia dos Porcas and Baia dos Golfinhos. This page of the website is still under development and a more detailed description of the various aspects of the site which are illustrated in the slideshow will be included in due course – so please come back again soon!
Website Category: Marine & Coastal
Area: 423 km2
Inscribed: 2001
- Exceptional natural phenomenon (vii);
- Outstanding natural beauty (vii);
- Ecological processes (ix);
- Natural habitat for biodiversity (x);
- Significant number of rare, endemic and/or endangered species (x)